ACAMAR Visiting Fellowships

ACAMAR supports distinguished researchers to make the extended visits to Australia and enhance collaborations on areas of common interest within astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. 

The ACAMAR Visiting Fellowship program aims to:

  • Enhance scientific collaborations in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology between Australia and China.
  • Maximise the scientific return on investment in astronomy infrastructure.
  • Explore opportunities for future projects and grant collaborations.

The successful applicants will have the opportunity to visit Australia for up to three months and are encouraged to visit multiple institutions. ACAMAR will offer the successful applicants financial support for travel and living expenses of up to $15k per applicant.

The program mainly funds projects associated with the SKA and radio astronomy. Co-investment from the host institution will be highly valued. Applicants should be responsible for securing the approval of their home institutions/organisations to undertake the ACAMAR Visiting Fellowship, where required. This includes securing visa to visit Australia or China and authorisation to conduct collaborative research.


Any enquiries regarding ACAMAR Visiting Fellowship should be directed to:

Professor Lister Staveley-Smith, ACAMAR Advisory Committee Chair
[email protected]


ACAMAR would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR), ICRAR and CSIRO.